My name is Orsolya Szücs, I am a first year student at Hospitality Management BA course, University of Derby.
From Introduction to hospitality lesson we got a task to make a blog. Until July I lived in Hungary so that is why I chose to compare and contrast the Hungarian and English Hospitality. My blog name is hunglish which means Hungarian-English. It will be a challange for me, but I hope everybody will like it.
First of all, I would like to speak a little about Hungary. Hungary is a landlocked country in the Carpathian Basin in Central Europe. The capital city is Budapest. The population is about 10 million, in contrast in the United Kingdom is more than 49 million.
If you would like to know more about Hungary:
The distance between Hungary and United Kingdom is about 2000km/1242 miles.
In the next entries I will show what is the difference between the two country. I will use books, my experinces, webpages, journals etc.
Glad to hear from you in English too.